Its the first time I have explicitly recieved a tag thing. I have seen it on others blogs, so I'll do the same and do what it says.
From: Sid then Raheel.
10 Favorites:
Favorite Season: A little bit of every season.
Favorite Sport: K1 kick boxing - Boxing.
Favorite Time: 5 Am in summer - 6 Am in winter
Favorite Month: November - just because it sound cool.
Favorite Actor : I have to think hard for this one. - I think i'll go for Ali G
Favorite Actress: Queen of England - Elizabeth II - sheś in Jhonny English.
Favorite Ice Cream: Any Ice cream with chocolate.
Favorite Food: Junk food.
Favorite Drink: Coke - Chocolate Coffee Nescafe ones.
Favorite Place: Dont have one.
9 Currents:
Current Feeling: Normal - Fine
Current O/S: Fedora Core 3 - Widows Xp.
Current Windows Open: Bluetooth Drivers - Msn Messenger - FireFox x 2 (blogger something)
Current Drink: Havent had any drink
Current Time: 9 : 54 Pm
Current Mobile(s) Used : Alcatel(old - orange n black) Alcatel (Coloured) Alcatel (New Coloured one) Nokia something x 2 - Seimens something - Motorolla something - Samsung X600 - Gosh i never realised I have used so many phones.
Current Show on TV: Its off
Current Thought: Must study hard.
Current Cloths: Black short shirt with white thin lines - Blue and white with wide bell bottom jeans - (stop thinking the 70's ones - its not like that)
8 Firsts:
First Nick: Smarty - Aint that cool
First Kiss: err...
First Crush: I am safe from those evil spirits - never had !
First Computer: 386, 8Mb Ram , Svga graphics, Intra 14" Monitor, Key boar, Pen kind of mouse, 110 Mb Hard disk - I need 110Gb now
First Vehicle I drove: The ones in the play land you hit each others car - whats that called? hmm... Cant think of the name but you got the point aye !
First Job: At a Vege shop
First Movie I watched on Pulse Global’s print: I dont remember
First Pet: First and Last - A White Rabbit
First Shave: Say 2 or 3 years back
7 Lasts:
Last Chai: I had my last sip this morning at 5:45 Am .
Last Movie: Bit of Lord of the rings 2 last night.
Last Time I Drove: Yesterday
Last Time Shaved: I'll have to explain it - But I wont - will say yesterday
Last Web Site Visited: (what happened to the font >_< )
Last Software Installed: ESCJava2 in Fedora - Blue tooth drivers in Xp
Last Pill I Had: Probably a year or 2 . (I dont do drugs)
6 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yeah dude (feeling like a gangsta)
Have You Ever Been Drunk: No
Have You Ever Climbed a Tree: Yeah to kill stingy bees.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: No
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast?: Yeah but that was cheerfull gun fire.
Have You Ever Broken Anyone’s Heart: err..(Its embarrasing)
5 Things:
Things You Can Hear Right Now: Noisy Fan inside my Computer box - Fire works going on out side. Clock ticks.
Things on Your Computer Table: Computer box monitor mouse keyboard speakers headphones my watch - HCI notes - A folder - Eminem Encore - Books (Extreme Programming Refactored: The case against XP, Clean Room Software Engineering, Effective Java, Test Driven Development, Agile Software Development, Operating System Design and Implementation, Linux in 24Hrs, Modern Operating System) *Must give them back >_<*
Things on Your Bed: Pillow, Flowery blanket, keys, mobile, wallet - (Stupid Stupid Stupid bunch of Halloween kids just knocked the door like chopping it with an Axe-arrrghhhh)
Things You Ate Today: Cutlus - cup of tea -- Date -- Cutlus - Chicken - Rice - *Must cook something *
Things in Mind: Bash those stupid kids - one of themwas wearing a big Motorbike helmet
4 Places You Have Been Today:
University lake
3 People You Can Tell Anything To:
Dude on my left shoulder, Dude on my right shoulder and Virtual Me.
2. Choices:
• Black or White: Depends
• Hot or Cold: Depends but I guess Hot
1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die:
I dont know
I tag:
Lil Princess